shashank shukla
3 min readJun 16, 2022


Delaying, Avoiding, and Procrastinating are the nearly same

Procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing something.

The word has origin from the Latin procrastinatus, which itself evolved from the prefix pro-, meaning “forward,” and crastinus, meaning “of tomorrow.

Why did I choose it?

Because in the current age of notifications and distractions this has become the epidemic in productivity.

We all can agree that The worst thing about procrastination is the moment you realize that you are two, five, or ten years older and nothing has changed.

A person who habitually procrastinates will only do something if “he feels like it.” completely ignoring the fact that they have responsibilities and commitments to other people. To think of Procrastination as a simple productivity issue would be a complete understatement.

When we get any work with the mentioned deadline then our subconscious mind wants to distract us due to all the stress peer pressure that deadline brings with it and brain in order to feel lighter and reduce stress involved in distractions or even worse, creates distraction in few cases.

A more general idea is needed as this list is endless and can be said like when procrastinating everything appears to be destructive and amazing attention grabbing like any random Youtube video might feel like the most important video or some game or some article in backlog or anything, When our subconscious mind is completely activated for distraction then we get more options like Youtube videos, time wasting games suggestions on play store and many more things. We know the allocation of tasks is important but our subconscious mind convinces us into believing that we have enough time, we do not need to work right now.

There’s plenty of researchers classify procrastination into two main types- passive and active procrastinators.

  • Passive procrastinators: Always in mind, to delay the task because they have trouble making decisions and acting on them.
  • Active procrastinators: They think delay purposefully, because working under pressure allows them to feel challenged and motivated.

How to Stop Procrastinating Right Now

There are a variety of strategies we can employ to stop procrastinating. Below, I’ll outline and explain each concept, then I’ll provide you with some examples of strategy in action.

  • Change your thinking to go forward from turning back to putting in any effort.
  • First we need to control our subconscious mind by telling the truth what we are and what we can?
  • When we decide that we have enough time to complete this work due to our procrastination, then sometimes it becomes our habit which affects our career/daily life.
  • Time is not in our control but time management is in our control.
  • Make sure you have enough time to complete your task
  • If you want to get something done, start small and build up from there
  • If you need help with a project, ask for it — it might be worth the investment!
  • Don’t feel bad about not getting things done right away — if they’re worth doing, they’ll eventually get done if you let them!
  • When people are stimulated, they are more alert, more creative and more productive.
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A Procrastinator’s Flowchart

“If you don’t know exactly where you’re going, how will you know when you get there?”

Steve Maraboli

“You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.”

Mark Twain

“According to Joseph Ferrari, a professor of psychology at DePaul University in Chicago and author of “Still Procrastinating: The No Regret guide to getting it done”, around 20% of U.S. adults are chronic procrastinators.”


Procrastination and How To Deal With It | Ahmad Mashhood | TEDxYouth@LPS — YouTube

The surprising habits of original thinkers | Adam Grant — YouTube

What is Procrastination and how it affects one’s life? (

shashank shukla

I have Leverage communication and leadership skills to interact with customers and teams.